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I have spent most of my life with my face in a book, in front of a computer screen, in a sketchpad, drawing, or in a notebook, writing. Despite this, I have managed to find myself outdoors to enjoy nature and interact with people. I consider myself to be an intellectual and I enjoy fields of study where the learning possibilities are endless--hence my pursuit of web development. I am also an empath, and I often strive to ensure that everyone is realistically content with their current circumstances. I am also willing to help others resolve any conflicts or fix inefficiencies.

Check Out My Skills Below!

My Skills

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For the past few years I have dedicated quite some time acquiring and building skills relevant to web development. While much of my experience is in front-end development and web design, I have worked with back-end tools like PHP and MySQL; especially through WordPress theme and plugin development. The progress bars below show the status of my skills currently, but not permanently. As you read this, I am most likely working on other projects to increase my progress with these skills, while building on new ones.

  • HTML5


  • Web Design

  • WordPress

  • JavaScript / jQuery

  • ReactJS

  • PHP

  • MySQL


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Listed below are projects that exhibit how I have implemented my skills with several web development tools that I have been using in the past few years. The first project uses the TerminalFour content management system, the second uses WordPress and ReactJS, and the third uses ReactJS.

Artificial Intelligence

This project focused on the re-design and re-development of the Artificial Intelligence website that the University of Florida launched. With UF's focus on developing AI initiatives across the curriculum came a desire to create a bright, user-friendly website with a clear layout and informative content. To ensure that my design properly aligned with UF's branding, I met with the marketing team and they provided me with a content outline. I used this as a guideline to create a mock-up that arranged the content using relevant media and design elements. Then, I went on to program the website with the help of a few team members.

240Tutoring Teacher Certification

With this project, I was asked to develop a new website for the certification service that 240Tutoring provides. I was given a design of this new web project, and through WordPress I developed a new theme for the site and also developed re-usable Gutenberg Blocks using ReactJS. I programmed the Blocks to have both a front-end and back-end so that the client can add dynamic content in the WordPress editor. Then I added the appropriate CSS to make sure it displayed accurately on the front-end.

UF Experts

This project was a re-design and re-development of the University of Florida's Experts website. The site prominently displays information about the faculty and staff at the university that are experts in their field(s) of study. I re-designed and re-developed the theme for WordPress, and it takes in and displays data from the Expertfile plugin that connects to their database of UF's Experts via API.

Contact Me

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Please do not hesitate to send me a message if you want me work on a project, if you have any questions or comments, or if you just want to say hello. You can contact me by sending me a message via the form to the right, or contact me via the Social Media links to the right. I look forward to hearing from you!